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Redeeming Points is easy. Just log in and select your reward of choice.

You don't need to be logged in to earn points. But you will need to be logged in to redeem your points. 

Navigate to the Rewards Page to view your total Rewards Points available.

You can Redeem your points for products on the Rewards Page or the Cart Page by clicking the "Redeem" button below the product you choose. (Don't forget to select your flavor!)

You can redeem your points for a free product with the purchase of any product. But you cannot redeem your points for a free product without also purchasing at least 1 product. 

If you have never logged in before, click on "Create Account" and enter your information. Then check your inbox for an Account Activation email. You will need to Activate your account before you can log in and redeem your points. 

If you have used your email address to purchase but you see a message that says: "No account found with that email" when you try to log in - that just means that you have not Activated your account. Go ahead and click on "Create Account" and enter your information. Then check your inbox for an Account Activation email. You will need to Activate your account before you can log in and redeem your points. 


Login here: REDCON1 Account

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